
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

And Justice for all?

I used to love Metallica, I was that tight jeans and t-shirt wearing teen...fear me...and my dodgy eyeliner. I would shake dandruff to and Justice for all, knowing nothing about anything and caring oh so very much about it. Watching Vincent Browne as always bring a little glow of righteousness to the voiceless among us. Having V.B. carve politicians like Gordon Ramsey closing in for the kill on a dirty fridge brings a Wednesday night smile my face.
Tonight's odd ball panel brought a former supreme court judge to the panel.When quizzed about the necessity of somebody to serve the judges dinner and fetch the good lord his scented toilet roll the good lord chief justice said it was perfectly justified (sic.) to spent €200,000 on chauffeurs for judges. The reason given was that if they were subject to the same driving restrictions and penalties as the rest of us that would make a mockery of the system! You couldn't imagine a Judge being done for speeding...drunk other words, Judges must be protected from themselves.
It doesn't take a socialist to make sense of this statement: that money would pay for 200 SNA's for children in schools, the possibilities for that money are endless in terms of training throughout many of the much needed systems and services in sickeningly underfunded public services sector. The fact that the former judges justifies in terms of the potential offences that the judge is averse to when the rest of us take for those same rules for granted i.e. don't get drunk and drive, don't speed, don't worry. The wages of such judges are €262,983 (OMG!!!), possibly enough to afford a taxi?

On another slightly dafter bend, the court sketch artist covering the murder trial of Celine Cawley featured a picture drawn of the woman whom the accused was having an affair with. I suggest anybody with even a passing interest in portraiture or charactacture to have a look at the pictures produced of this unfortunate woman, it lies somewhere between Picasso and Lowry, the head being horribly distorted, somehow Angelina Jolie's mouth has appeared on a shrunken head. No Gardai or court representatives were available to comment on why this witness has been given such protection, being ushered in to the four courts through secret tunnels and labyrinths to protect her image. I'm now more curious than ever to see what she looks like, something the editors of tabloids are no doubt pulling each others hair over as we speak.
In the spirit of 'Jobsearch 2010 - getting money in the Barbarians pocket' I put forth my services. I can do very accurate Garfield type interpretations of persons, my 5th class teacher will testify to my accuracy in individual interpretation.

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