My next door neighbours are pop-u-lar
SO popular that cars often block my driveway, normally this is a cue for me to suddenly need something urgently at the shop and I dive into my rider and start revving loudly.
I now see that behaviour as being childish and down right un-neighbourly. Yes the anti christ is quelled, amazing what a visit from special branch will do for your neighbourhood capital.
Over the Easter holidays my neighbours were discovered to be hiding guns you see, and that puts a whole new spin on neighbour hood watch. As the closest house I am ushered for chats with residents over cigarettes and garden walls, the current spate of good weather doing much to loose tongues and theories.
Names of various traveller clans have been bandied around, the hypothesis that they were part of the urban cleansing of Moyross and have come to rent in our quiet cul de sac and other theories relating to the frequencies of visitors come to play.
' I pity you down next to them' is the usual refrain, but frankly my dear, I couldn't give a damn.
If my neighbours are involved in shady dealings, so be it, I could be living next to Seanie Fitzpatrick and feel less safe. They have never made a nuisance of themselves or been antisocial in any way that I can see or hear, if fact its quiet funny listening to the banter from the constant visitors. When they cleared the kids from playing football out the front it wasn't with a sharp tongue like a former tenant of the house who called them horrible names when the ball ended up in her flowers. She was from Kilmaley....
So yeah, my neighbours may be making money from nefarious means, so are half the country, who am I to judge, Ive avoided tax when I could and while I never had a gun, I have shot one on occasion, and got to say its highly addictive. I went from peace loving gun hater to Schwartzenegger in two minutes flat, paint ball and quazar are killing fields. My son was concerned when we told him, he's a worrier, I reassured him that any sort of thug ife is usually confined to thugs life, and reminded him that these people have been living here for a few months now and we have no reason to fear them as they have done nothing to us. There are worse people with neck ties.