Today we start to find out the true scale of the shit we are in, Anglo the golden albatross reveals its true legacy making sure our kids pay for the dealings and wheelings of Irelands landed gentry. This from a bank that paid former chief executive David Drumm a deferred bonus payment of €659,000 on December 12th 2008, only a week before details of loans taken out by the bank’s former chairman Sean FitzPatrick came to light.
I suggest a new approach..perhaps its the hankering for Democracy, of which we have little, or the desperate need for a hero in these dark times, but we need blood. Arresting Seanie for a session with fraud officers will no longer do. 12.7 BILLION....12.7...12....
I think its easy get confused when we talk in notation, about a cool billion or two. In modern English a billion means 1,000,000,000 - a thousand million. I think that's how the media should be framing this
€ 12,700, 000,000 ; LOSS
That number scares the shit outta bout you?
So I think we need to make it worth that, if all you get for winning the X factor is a record deal and a million for a few weeks worth of public judgement. The the leading figures of Irish banking should give us our pound of flesh, give us a spectacle, give us BLOOD
The newly built Landsdown road would be a suitable Dublin venue but at the risk of this turning into a 'for profit' venture I suggest the car parks of numerous empty shopping centres, business parks and Lidls throughout the country.
MMA style cage fights, the cages are for the protection of the 'talent' as we don't want the crowd ripping them to shreds before we have had our entertainment. Local bankers (and possibly estate agents, solicitors and property developers) will fight it out, barenuckle style, no holds barred, groin shots allowed, until there emerges a champion we can get behind, the man with the most teeth left on the bloodied carpark will live to fight another day, the looser will be thrown to the crowd or used to placate the pro hunting lobby by using them to blood hounds.
Give the mob blood....give them spectacle....the fucking eurovision isint going to cut it this year.
I suggest a new approach..perhaps its the hankering for Democracy, of which we have little, or the desperate need for a hero in these dark times, but we need blood. Arresting Seanie for a session with fraud officers will no longer do. 12.7 BILLION....12.7...12....
I think its easy get confused when we talk in notation, about a cool billion or two. In modern English a billion means 1,000,000,000 - a thousand million. I think that's how the media should be framing this
€ 12,700, 000,000 ; LOSS
That number scares the shit outta bout you?
So I think we need to make it worth that, if all you get for winning the X factor is a record deal and a million for a few weeks worth of public judgement. The the leading figures of Irish banking should give us our pound of flesh, give us a spectacle, give us BLOOD
The newly built Landsdown road would be a suitable Dublin venue but at the risk of this turning into a 'for profit' venture I suggest the car parks of numerous empty shopping centres, business parks and Lidls throughout the country.
MMA style cage fights, the cages are for the protection of the 'talent' as we don't want the crowd ripping them to shreds before we have had our entertainment. Local bankers (and possibly estate agents, solicitors and property developers) will fight it out, barenuckle style, no holds barred, groin shots allowed, until there emerges a champion we can get behind, the man with the most teeth left on the bloodied carpark will live to fight another day, the looser will be thrown to the crowd or used to placate the pro hunting lobby by using them to blood hounds.
Give the mob blood....give them spectacle....the fucking eurovision isint going to cut it this year.